Enhance the reliability of sealing sustainable materials


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New module for continuous longitudinal seals from Herrmann Ultraschall

The latest generation of Herrmann Ultraschall’s longitudinal seal module (LSM) ensures reliable longitudinal seals for applications like pillow bags, even with the narrowest of process windows. Regardless of variations in the speed of flow wrappers or other packaging machines, the LSM ensures seals with a visually flawless appearance.

With a new guiding unit for the LSM, Herrmann Ultraschall offers a solution for the increasing requirements of sustainable materials. It allows for more precise control of central sealing parameters, such as the force applied during the sealing process, ensuring consistently high-quality results. This is especially beneficial for challenging materials like Monomaterials or paper-based packaging.

Packers can achieve these results with the LSM regardless of the packaging system’s speed. Unlike thermal sealing processes, the speed can be flexibly adjusted from standstill up to a maximum speed of around 120 meters per minute, without affecting the quality of the seals or the packaging contents.

Companies gain additional flexibility thanks to the modular construction of the longitudinal seal module. Functional elements can be individually assembled or retrofitted separately, allowing the LSM to be optimally customized to the customer’s specific applications.

The LSM is particularly suitable for products that need to remain free from thermal stress. Common applications include pillow bags and chain-sealed bags used for packaging confectionery, baked goods, medical products, and wet wipes. Existing modules can be quickly and easily substituted with the new generation of the LSM.


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